Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
"What is ya doin baby?" Finally our first guest on the show, and the perfect way to go into the new year. Join me as we catch up, and check-in with one of the realists, and most influential social media personalities. We talk a little bit about everything going on in his life currently from his life on the Westcoast, his career, his businesses (including his upcoming brand of cognac), and also his take on using his platform to raise awareness whilst being on the frontline for the sake of the culture.
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Let me start this off by saying, I love being black and so should yall! It’s very empowering and motivational! For so long we’ve been lied to, an held back, but not by our own. Now is the time we break those mental chains, free our minds and understand the system that was created to keep us in the dark. This is my black experience!
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
From deciding between two evils to elect into office, watching friends side with the oppressor an turning opp, to fighting off seasonal depression, the only thing you can do is stay ten toes down and remain vigilant at all times. We may have won the battle, but the war is on going. Don’t get caught slipping!
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Iight so check this out, I have another question. What does self care mean to you? See, the thing is we want to be, an accomplish so much more but we forget the most important thing. Taking care of self!
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
As cliche as it sounds, I really can’t. Even if I wanted to. It seems like the days are getting darker and darker, have yall been checking up on each other? We really need to get better at that. Just because a person smiles, and remains positive to get through the day doesn't mean that person isn’t dealing with something. Lets talk about it!
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Y'all I legit have one question... WTF?! Man bruh as if 2020 could get no worse, I gotta say though with all these crazy situations going on in the world, and the war against minorities, I can still say the kid is proud to be black!